Sunday, January 15, 2012

Best Sugar Cookies and Glace Icing

1¾ cups butter (or margarine)
1½ cups sugar
1½ tsp. vanilla
2 eggs
2 Tbsp. milk
4 cups flour
3 Tbsp. baking powder
½ tsp. salt

Cream butter, sugar and vanilla.  Add eggs and milk; beat until fluffy.  Add flour, baking powder, and salt.

Roll 1/8 – ¼ thick on floured board.  (Use LOTS of flour on rolling pin and hands OR use a piece of waxed paper between the dough and rolling pin.)

Cut out shapes and place on cookie sheet.  Bake @ 375° for 8 minutes (barely browned)

Ice immediately and keep in sealed container.

(recipe from a friend)
Glacé Icing
1lb powdered sugar (about 3 3/4 cup)
6 Tbsp. milk
6 Tbsp. light corn syrup
1 tsp. almond extract

With a whisk, combine sugar and milk until smooth (no lumps!)  Then stir in corn syrup and extract.

(recipe found here)

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