Saturday, April 21, 2012

Pizza Bubble Ring

6 – 8 Tbsp margarine, melted
1 tsp Italian seasoning
½ tsp garlic powder
¼ cup + parmesan cheese
2 cans refrigerator biscuits
2 pieces of string cheese, cut into ten pieces each
Pizza toppings
Pizza/spaghetti sauce

Heat oven to 350° Spray fluted tube pan with cooking spray.
In small bowl, mix margarine and seasonings. 

Separate biscuits and press into 3 inch circles.  Dab sauce in center and add small amount of topping and crown with string cheese.  Seal ball and roll in seasoning mix, sprinkle with parmesan and place in pan.  Sprinkle with more parmesan after 10 are in pan.  Repeat.  Pour remaining seasoning over top.

Bake 28-30 minutes.  Cool 5 minutes.  Gently loosen from sides of pan and turn onto large plate.
Serve warm with extra sauce for dipping.

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